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Episode 334: Rafael Medina Subspecialty Series – Polyarticular Joint Pain

In this rheumatology Rafael Medina Subspecialty episode, Dr. Appledene Osbourne presents a case of polyarticular joint pain to Dr. Lianne Gensler. 

Session facilitator: Maddy Conte

The goal of this series is to expand access to subspecialty, primary care, and internal medicine-adjacent specialty education to learners around the world. If you would like to get involved as a case presenter or discussant (or nominate an attending/educator), fill out the form HERE.

Case Discussant: Dr. Lianne Gensler is a rheumatologist and serves as director of the UCSF Ankylosing Spondylitis Clinic, which is dedicated to care for this inflammatory disease. Gensler’s primary research interest is the disease progression of axial spondyloarthritis (a category that includes ankylosing spondylitis).

Case Presenter: Dr. Appledene Osbourne is a current rheumatology fellow at UCSF.

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